Phoenix Creative Arts Psychotherapy Centre (PCPC) is a registered charity (RCN 20108458 CHY 21691) founded by four art psychotherapists in Limerick City in 2015. The four therapists Mary Carmel O Donoghue, Austin Creaven, Toni Brown and Hugh McMahon have many years of experience providing creative art therapy for young people in different services and settings.
Phoenix PCPC was established to provide accessible and affordable creative arts therapy services for young people under the age of 18 years with emotional, social and behavioural difficulties in Limerick City and its environs. Phoenix PCPC is committed to providing a creative arts therapy service for young people to support their mental health and emotional well being. We are also committed to providing a therapy service for marginalised children and communities.
Phoenix PCPC provides a community-based service in collaboration with our partners in ABC StartRight, family resource centres, Limerick Social Services Centre, the Salesian Sisters and various partners. We are also open to taking referrals from parents, schools, social workers, General Practitioners (GPS), Public Health Nurses (PHNs), family support workers and a variety of other services.
Phoenix PCPC is a not for profit community-based charity. Phoenix PCPC endeavours to provide a low-cost therapy service to all young people in the Limerick Area. Our intention is that contributions from private clients will supplement our service delivery to families who may not be able to access a private therapy service.
Most of the Phoenix PCPC therapists are also qualified supervisors so we also offer a clinical supervision service for other creative arts therapists, counsellors, psychotherapists, social care workers and any other professionals working with children or adults.
Phoenix PCPC has its administrative office in Tait House Enterprise Centre, Collins Avenue, Roxboro Road, Limerick but our therapists also work in several different locations around the city so that we can offer a service for children, parents and families within the community.